
Yeah, those guys were losers.

This is bait

Why would people expect the Tea Party to oppose Boston transplants dressing like Indians in their county?

Huh. It's kinda surprising the Georgia Tea Party would reject such a sweet deal.

If Lebron took that shot. he would have gotten the foul

And people say there isn't a war on Christmas.

The only problem left is finding more youth groups to provide the kids.

It took them 47 takes to get that video right. After each cut, the dad would scream and beat the kids with a bag of oranges under their christmas jammies.

Is it wrong of me to ask Santa to give them ass cancer for Christmas?

This is the reason more white women need to sleep with black men!

WHAT ? No it wasn't.

Wife: Hey hon, should we make a Christmas video?

Driveways are for cars.

Here is the version I choose to believe is true, because it makes me feel less empty:

Sorry, dude, your daughter can't fucking sing.

I would have sex with the wife.

And then kill the entire family. Every last one of them.

Speedboy Territory:

America is depressing.

Of course Shaq's hoop doesn't have a free throw line.