
I've long been a staunch believer that the more press a movie gets before it comes out, the worse it's going to be. If that theory continues to ring true, Anchorman 2 is going to suuuuuuuuck.

Psh, f**k that. How awesome would it be to have Burgundy anchor that news?

I feel like this is even more of a reason to bring him on.

Well, at least there was something positive to come out of this Jameis Winston deal.

I thought that was Antonio Alfonseca?

There can only be one


Step 1: count votes

It's confusing: 50% of the photo subjects are wearing cargo shorts.

More like the ANALS of Fuckdom, AM I FUCKING RIGHT OR WHAT?

Hey, a gay joke? Why not get a real handle and stick around pal? You'll probably bring up the average around here.

looks like I upset some white folks...

Maybe it's my monitor, but I really can't tell from this picture which is the mentally challenged one.

I hope the poor kid's family doesn't read this article and scroll down to the comments and read Ray's harmless, personally-referencing non-joke. That would be awful. But hey, then they'd read your sanctimonious pearl-clutching, so I guess that would make them feel heaps better about their dead kid. Thanks for your

"They figured Christian was such a big kid, he'd stop a lot of shots"

This comment negativity and judgement of "humanity" is disgusting. How about we celebrate the fact that Christian had a chance to assimilate into a good school environment, make clearly deep friendships and have a rare chance at a normal youth for someone who is developmentally challenged? We aren't very far from a

Well now I'm definitely never running with headphones.

Brant Brown did it again.

Briskey recognized her horrible mistake the instant she saw that Shepherd did in fact bleed crimson.

I could care less what old-school writers think. Newspapers aren't even relevant anymore.