I've long been a staunch believer that the more press a movie gets before it comes out, the worse it's going to be. If that theory continues to ring true, Anchorman 2 is going to suuuuuuuuck.
I've long been a staunch believer that the more press a movie gets before it comes out, the worse it's going to be. If that theory continues to ring true, Anchorman 2 is going to suuuuuuuuck.
Psh, f**k that. How awesome would it be to have Burgundy anchor that news?
I feel like this is even more of a reason to bring him on.
Well, at least there was something positive to come out of this Jameis Winston deal.
I thought that was Antonio Alfonseca?
Step 1: count votes
It's confusing: 50% of the photo subjects are wearing cargo shorts.
More like the ANALS of Fuckdom, AM I FUCKING RIGHT OR WHAT?
Hey, a gay joke? Why not get a real handle and stick around pal? You'll probably bring up the average around here.
looks like I upset some white folks...
Maybe it's my monitor, but I really can't tell from this picture which is the mentally challenged one.
I hope the poor kid's family doesn't read this article and scroll down to the comments and read Ray's harmless, personally-referencing non-joke. That would be awful. But hey, then they'd read your sanctimonious pearl-clutching, so I guess that would make them feel heaps better about their dead kid. Thanks for your…
"They figured Christian was such a big kid, he'd stop a lot of shots"
This comment negativity and judgement of "humanity" is disgusting. How about we celebrate the fact that Christian had a chance to assimilate into a good school environment, make clearly deep friendships and have a rare chance at a normal youth for someone who is developmentally challenged? We aren't very far from a…
Well now I'm definitely never running with headphones.
Briskey recognized her horrible mistake the instant she saw that Shepherd did in fact bleed crimson.
I could care less what old-school writers think. Newspapers aren't even relevant anymore.