
Visuals help me understand things.

Around the world? Wasn't even heard three feet away....

Derrek Lee hit .335 back in 2005 but I don't think that makes him Hall-Worthy. Let's see Samm maintain that average for a few years, then I'll be impressed.

"Muschamp Must Stay" would be a decent one, I feel.

All joking aside, I get the sense that police and DA offices are kinda averse to rape cases because even if they believe the accuser, it's difficult to build a case and affects their conviction rate.

No one was public with their crap giving until they were given an outlet to do so. You cannot assume that if people weren't outwardly vocal about their position than it didn't exist.

Jeez....how many blankets do we need to send to these guys before they shut up

This will never end. Get used to it :)

No the native American tribal leaders don't understand, the Redskins are supporting them by keeping the name, my white, Redskins fan friend explained that to me.


Vote Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens & Sammy Sosa. Burn that mother fucker to the ground.

Oh, also Maddux. Because he was amazing.

I said it once, I'll say it again:

This piece is longer than a Tebow Hail Mary

Hate to be the lone voice of reason here, but Price is right.

Is it a cross-post? It's getting slow at work so this is welcome indeed!

So ridiculous....how hard is it to type the word "your"?

He's clearly pointing out that a smart women will let her significant other drive so that if/when they go off the road and total the car it will be his insurance that will skyrocket and not the women's. He's a caring guy.

Your life is wasted.

Guy can't talk co-ed intramural basketball without getting killed.