
Perhaps that's because running at 20+ mph and diving onto a high-friction track could lead to injury??? Sprinters actually do lean forward at the tape to gain an advantage over the option of standing straight up.

Nope, just some jagoff who tried to leap for the ball and demolished some kid.

This. A thousand times this.

That was exactly my reaction! They have got to be the thinnest skinned drama queens playing sports. Football players are trying not to die or grow senile before they are 50 from being slammed in the head too much, and baseball players are THIS pissed at a little "peaking" at a hr and the weakest loogie hocking I have

Sometimes I think that pro baseball players are some of the whiniest bitches in all of professional sports. Yes, even worse than the floppers in soccer. There are so many "unwritten rules" that dictate such ridiculous bullshit. If you don't like him posing after blasting his first home run ever, don't throw the

"i will fight every illegal Cuban here!"

So was Vince Young.

I know this isn't the time or place to broach such sensitive subjects, but given that it's today and all, I feel I should bring it up.

"Ha. I know there's two Ts."

Well, that radar certainly could have served her better back in 2008.

Another STRONG TAEK by Pete Prisco

I just wanted to write a note of support to the alleged victim, as I read that she stayed at Vandy & began her senior year classes. If the allegations is true (which it unfortunately looks that way if there's video evidence) then I admire this woman's ability to hold her head up and go back to classes. I hope she's

Just once I'd like to see "heartwarming allegations emerge. "

I understand your point, but that sentence also describes what a rape is; sex with someone incapable of consent.

unconscious + sex = rape. It's implied. Go back to Jezebel.

death penalty

Although I disagree, those were some atrocious ball calls on the last 2 at bats. I'm pretty sure the 2 called strikes on the last at bat were farther from the strike zone than any of those balls.

I really don't see how he is being a douche, more so, commenting on the absurdity of what gets you recognition in sports, and our "what have you done for me lately" culture.

That his wife's name is now Petit is one of those ironical things.

Why are you being so sensitive? Ever hear of Philip Humber?