
Yeah, that's not true. MLB.com's final 2012 standings list the Orioles and Rangers and Cardinals and Braves as having 162 games played. Unless you mean a potential division tiebreaker. THOSE count has a 163rd game, but barring anything wacky happening both wildcards will come from the NL Central, so even the loser(s)

Not really..technically the one game playoff is considered a season game.. so if they go 81-81 and lose that game..they'd be 81-82...not that I think that will happen.

Seems like more of a Bleacher Report thing.

What does this have to do with trolling?

EA Sports: If it's a pointless fictional Skip Bayless tweet, it's in the game.

Exactly, what are we 5? "Now say it like you mean it little Ryan, that wasn't a sincere apology..." - It's obnoxious, he apologized, he's an idiot. He's going to play next season. The end. Nothing ANYBODY can do.

What a monster, to take personal responsibility for a mistake he made.

During that time, a third party reached out to him and said that he could get him a product to help accelerate his recovery.

As a Brewers fan, I can definitely say that I don't give a shit about PEDs (Braun was our shining light in Milwaukee that hasn't been around in years) or even the fact that he lied to cover it up. That's fine. He's got games to win. I could care less. We don't even have free agency around here.

But in all seriousness: fuck the media

The "fuck the media" comment was a joke and was regarding his reluctance to do a 20 minute press conference, which he ended up doing.

Wawa is overrated Sheetz is better

What do you mean "should" as being different from "can?" On what grounds do you determine what throws a particular players "should" be able to make, when empirical evidence will show you that many can not?

Where are all the jokes? No "Hang in there, Ryan", or "She just checked the standings" low-hanging fruit type shit from you mouth breathers today? Because the other day when that Braves fan fell and died there were about 50 smart ass comments complete with +1's and bro-style praise for said humor. Guess this one

Hang in there, Ryan.

Just like the Braves, it was the fall that killed him.

Simpsons did it...

So a Homer goes over the fence at a baseball game - why exactly is this news?

Homer's Odyssey: The Abridged Edition