
In some sense, A-Rod is the perfect metaphor for SNL, in that we all have this hazy recollection of some point in our distant past when we thought it was great, and yet it is impossible to put ourself back in that place today.

But he was from France.

So there's no settlement deal? I mean, no way did MLB cut a deal that doesn't include waiver of the appeal. Right?

"Washed up." – Mark Sanchez

Now that the long period of bleeding in JAX has stopped, and a new season has arrived, vendors are now offering opposing teams' fans condoms to prevent STDs involved by all the fucking they'll be getting.

I also realize that there are people who will have a tough time forgiving me

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I applaud Riley for his efforts to overcome attending a Kenny Chesney concert.

I'd expect a fan of the great Adam Foote to use a little bit more critical thinking here. Under the NHL system, a player could be drafted and then go to college to develop further. Because of the nature of the NFL, nearly all players need that extra development. But not all players. Jadaveon Clowney could have been a

Then the NFL should have a minor league system like hockey and baseball, and to a degree basketball. There's no reason for the NCAA to act as a free one for them.

Other spelling questions commonly asked in Boston:


The NCAA is finally at the point where they are going to have to change or get sued into changing by "student athletes."I'm for some kind of hybrid of the MLB/NHL model, but the one and done crap and the good ole boy network that runs college football have got to go.

I have always thought the NHL is the only sport to get this whole thing right. Everybody is drafted when they're 18. The team that drafts you gets your rights for 2 years, or 6 months after you leave college. If you're good enough to go pro at 18, you do it. If you want to go to college for 4 years, you can do it

Boston Strom

You make one ignorant, racist comment about Amistad on your iPhone and it Hounsou forever.

I preferred the alternate sign-off where Chris Berman boarded a helicopter and as it flew away one last time he looked down to see the words "FUCK OFF" spelled out in soccer balls

I can't believe they shot him down like that.

Waitress: Hi! Welcome to Hooters! What can I get for you?

dude, go fuck yourself. waitresses at hooters didn't ask for your stupid opinion. get over yourself and eat a hot dick, fuck bag.