
Alex Rodriguez: [stares off into the distance] Man, I wish Centaur-Me were here right now. Centaur-Me always knows how to cheer me up.

Sorry folks. The Mariners suck. The moose out front should have told ya.

I'm just glad to hear that he's recovered.

MLB didn't give Frank Thomas MVP when Giambi admitted to using roids to win the MVP

2011 Matt Kemp > 2011 Prince Fielder

2011 Milwaukee Brewers minus PED's = 2011 LA Dodgers.

I love how deadspin always needs to be so contrarian. If the MLB was being easy on these guys you would be all over them. And if these were ESPN employees instead of ball players you would be rabid. But since the MLB has undertaken a pretty reasonable rational course of action that is more or less in line with the

It's my experience that mutts tend to be better-looking than the rest of us. There are exceptions to that, of course, and Kate Upton isn't biracial so there's that. But I've just found the biracial women I've dated to be more physically attractive to me. Your mileage my vary.