
I never witnessed anything this severe but these stories never surprise me, because what I did witness was just a few steps behind.

I shave my butthole from time to time. It’s not a regular habit, it’ just happens whenever I’m feeling particularly bold while shaving the rest of my junk.

In this same vein it’s worth noting that “if these were Muslims...” then yes, everyone would be calling them terrorists. But that has more to do with how we view/treat Islam than what these sad little men are doing.

I an angle think a lot of people are missing is the timeline. Haden knew his employee’s addiction had grown so debilitating that he was headed to rehab, yet was comfortable keeping him on staff and placing him on LOA. Hours later, he fires him. What changed?

Safe to say this is Marchman’s new favorite?

I realize it’s market has largely been consumed by OkCupid, but what about POF? It’s a pretty simplistic approach but I had a good run of success on their, including one relationship that lasted three years.

That's where most of the concessions were last time around, hence the recently installed slot allocations. Driving down amateur costs might continue but it's hard to imagine squeezing the minor leaguers any more than they already do.

Best comment in the thread.

Wait, who was defending a drunk driver?

Chill the fuck out.

Uhg, twitter.....

Which is a pretty fucking awful argument if you're in the gun rights crowd. There’s tons of regulations on cars.

My credit union has shitty hours and not great online services, but I’ve never regretted dumping the banks (in my case, Chase).

So is Wainwright not injured?

They're both named Otto!

I don't get it.

My stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

I understand, I just think that's an ineffective way to carry out justice.

That's a bad point.

That seems cruel.