
The Vegas team would be big. I lived in Bakersfield, Calif. for awhile (don't judge, it was an internship) and the minor league hockey team was the biggest attraction in town. The chance to see an exciting sport with the AC blasting is an appealing night out for families living in the desert.

Why is there a tiny person standing in front of the TV screen?

Five man rotation?

Good catch. What the hell is with that?

Seriously, what a Dirtbag.

I don't know what that means.

Good job trashing that kid (who was definitely not your son). Insufferable children are the worst, aren't they?

I would like to thank Ray Rice's fiance for provoking him. Because of her, Stephen A. Smith will now be forced to go away.

I have no sympathy for a woman that brings steaming Rice to a boiling point.

We're all going to die.

When I was 22 I was working 90 hours a week for $22,000 a year. Also, by dick is bigger than yours. (That first sentence is actually true, though).

Relocating the capital to St. Louis is the best scenario. Our government would become so classy!

I tried to cut all costs and continue the development even after the heavy losses of 2013 but the stress of trying to work full time and be full time on the game ultimately caused me to ruin my relationship with my wife, and she filed for divorce because I was so obsessed with finishing this game that she couldn't

The weird thing is, when did anyone ever say they don't want Tebow because he's a "distraction?" I always heard they didn't want him because he sucked.

Sure, but like it or not once you play the "bigot" card your opponent will go on the defensive and you pretty much lose all hope of getting them to take your opinion seriously.

all Ackley could muster was a nod towards the pitcher's mound as he walked back to his spot. Give yourself a little more credit than that, man.

I'm guessing they saw no signs of struggle, it was a fairly clean cut, and his body is without injury (I mean, besides missing the head), which would lead one to believe he was killed earlier via a head injury.


To be fair to the guy, some of her reasons are pretty stupid. If you're not in the mood just say "not now."

Knew that was coming. Way to be on that shit, bro.