
I was in some really bad weather on a few trips in my OR bivy and it didn't leak one bit I was really impressed. Although you can still get burned by lightening hitting the ground near you that's about all I worried about.

I love my Outdoor Research Bivy its water tight super light and keeps the bugs off.

This is just a guess from memory of where I would start looking.

This happen to me when I threw my dirty underwear under the bed and forgot about them. It look like the fortress of solitude made out of wet string cheese. Now they call it art!

You'd be surprised how fast that goes out the window out in the desert. We've got some choice A-holes out here. A mile from town they would rob you and leave you out in 100 plus heat. Drunk dudes with guns.

Absolutely not I live right on the other side of that mountain in the background. That's what I wrote. Some Dbag will find and destroy it, its to close to town.

The sad part is a lot of the people that frequent the area are pigs that leave trash and shoot up everything and anything. Including power insulators on high voltage lines, desert tortoises, sign and strange swimming pools nobody's watching. It's just over the hill from Vegas you know out in the wild to some people so

Directly behind the first photo is a place called Pro Gun Club and behind that is Railroad Pass Casino. I go shooting out in this area I know it well. I'll see if I can spot it if I don't melt first its 110 degrees probably hotter down by the dry lake.

Scorpions, Sun Spiders and dead hookers too.

Over the hill from Vegas past the Railroad Pass casino just past the dry lake bed.

The would find Uranus then look for the wet spot! Earth.


God hates you he said you broke his planet!

He thinks you called him the strawman. That's funny as hell!

That guys right. Now there will be another industry created around chickens needing clothing. Then children will be needed to make the tiny chicken clothes and child sweat shops will pop up increasing the global temperature. What have they done!

There's a few of those on here showing all their foe scientific data off. But their not scientists, their just overheated cocks.

Name calling always proves your point. To bad angry skeptics and

That's sad, we can fix the chicken but not the planet. Can't we just shave the