

Las Vegas, Nevada

Bear Grylls got himself kicked off Discover because he has a huge ego. His new show is him camping with Zak Efron and sipping piss by a campfire. It looked like Bear Back Mountain not a survival show.

It's what killed him!

None of them look over 1.524 meters sorry 5' feet tall.

Meh! Just looks like Rodeo Clown day at the Italian prison yard.

So that's what was going on at my last job. The female boss kept hiring more women. She was a raving lunatic bitch who was alway on the rag! She just needed tampons, lots of tampons.

Urban Dictionary says you are correct. I weigh 198 and am weenisless!

Wenis Fat! WTF.

I'm ready to swoop in and steal her millions, I mean heart! Excellent!

Dat dude know her structure just not her heart! You got's to know her heart to yell at her structure!

It's playing in the chair I don't think he's stupid! Well for a goat anyway.

Some women are like camels they just don't need to wet their lips! Sounds like somebody's going to be cheating soon.

How often do you express your wife's anal glands and how did your cat become involved? Glad to hear she okay.

Can you get a yeast infection from this?

Is that when you blow a seal like #4. I've never been that drunk.