
They crush Leprechauns and put them in Irish cream. Their filled with booze, gold and lost dreams.

Pumpkin gland latte! Emm beaver.

So there's no fresh squeezed pumpkin or a special pumpkin gland that's squeezed into the pumpkin latte by a trained Starbucks barista? I wonder what she was dribbling in those cups then.

Glub! Glub!

They need to worry less about that kind of stuff and put some new technology out. A glass box can only keep things from getting stale for so long.

Glass Pot. Doh!

It's only drawback is it runs on finely ground Rhino horns.

Angry George Takei? Ugh!

The guy painting?

Ugh gross! Just curious is it heated?

Does the giant hair on the cutting board cost extra on Course Six?

Doesn't the hole in a barrel have a funny name too?

Couldn't the information be used to hurt competing American companies in the business world?

Sweet then stick those hazardous waste containers in your own backyard. You made it you store it. With the water issue that's called greed. They won't stop building in areas that can't support water for the population so they take it from areas where they think its not needed unfortunately the desert doesn't work that

Oh were getting everyone's radioactive garbage wether we like it or not. Even though they showed Yucca mountain was a fault riddled ground water leaking crap hole unfit to store canned food they forced Nevada to store toxic garbage there. We already have a water shortage in the state I can't wait to hear about that

Las Vegas has Hoover Dam 14 miles away but we get our power from a natural gas plant 30 miles outside of town yeah that makes sense. Before the natural gas plant there was a coal power plant even farther away. WTF!

Lets put it in your state. You know away from where people live.

Yeah um you may want to check again genius. Look up communism. They were atheist's and did very bad thing to christians. But you knew that right? Your ignorant behavior makes you look and sound foolish and no better than the people your preaching about. Like I said I'm an atheist and the only thing I believe is that

You can see they take safety very seriously. They alway fluff the ground up before jumping to ensure no one is injured. Plus I call cheating he's totally landing on his codpiece.

Thank you!