
I hear you, Nevada has a lot of rural highways but there are other vehicles out there and they haul ass in the middle of no where to get to their destination. I don't see good things happening from this.

I think their trying to replicate the truck trains like in Australia. They have automated convoys but there are little to no other vehicles on the roads. Imagine trying to pass one of these on the highway with on coming traffic.

That video looks like Bob Barker out back rubbing his post. Disturbing but not scary.

Sweet so you can kick back do lots of speed and get drunk with showbiz2's friends. I am kidding he's a jackass. It's just another way for big companies to automate us out of a job and save a buck probably killing someone in the process. Nevada roads are not like Australian outback roads there is a bit more traffic.

Its like a shitty art project!

They should call it the Pot Sticker!

Awww, like a giant dookie balloon exploding!

It's called the Shiitake!

It would be kind of awesome seeing him bust through that and do a header into the bowl.

Like this one?

More like this!

Agreed, the concepts are creative but a bit limiting for the kids. I would have been running down a hall sliding on a nice clean floor with those crayon shoes or figuring out how to get that giant round crayon ball off the pendulum.

A Mefer and a Youfer


Feces sensitive? Have you seen what on television these days this would get picked up by FOX.

Oh God make it stop!

A bit of 409 and he'll be on his way. He can always have another child.

Cool Tetanus Town!