
Dude, you’re deciding the stand you want to take is, “cheerleaders dress like cheerleaders, so saying they shouldn’t complain about being expected to act as escorts isn’t a hot take.”

Really pause and think about that.

Also: how is this guy out of the greys and I’m not?!?

White blonde woman thinks reason she got hired in the first place is somehow reason she got fired

She’s a fucking trash bag. Needs to go away but being a skinny white Tammy Lawrence clone ensures that she won’t

Poor Tammy.

When John Skipper said there was too much white in his life, he was talking about drugs.

For all those ripping on this guy for not being very well known and burning bridges your missing the bigger point:

I wonder if the Redskins tried to take his passport away

Would you rather that or Snyder running the cheerleading equivalent of an escort service?

Conscience take a holiday. And the WhatAboutIsm is like kids playing ‘doctor’: “I’ll show you mine (ethics) IF you show me yours!” That’s a sure sign you dont have them. That’s not how ethics work. I checked the FB piece - full of wild eyed conspiracies, lots of crying into their ugly Cosby sweaters, vowing to

I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.

‘aunt coulter’

To Cosby apologists:

This isn’t the system railroading him. Bill railroaded himself.

Now playing

look up vita vea, the man is literally maui

The Gang Hires A Monster

Boy bad franchises in the NFL are so predictable. Of course the Bills would get a guy who spat racial epithets and can’t hit the side of a barn while cutting his predecessor who was probably hurled racial epithets while playing in front of said franchise fans.

I was going to make a joke about getting to hang out in the big white house (probably eating in a separate room), but that idiot writes this shit for me.

Trump doesn’t even want this dude.

Can I make a Kanye joke?