
It’s helpful because many people don’t realize that white people get really indignant over the smallest of things, especially when it comes to black people and it’s important to point out that white people get really indignant over the smallest of things, especially when it comes to black people because if people

I don’t know golf but can’t impatient assholes play through or something? The one time I played I thought the objective was just to make it from hole to hole while being blind drunk.

Yuuup. Btw this story is in no means trying to one up or even try to say that asian experience the same level of racism as white people. But white people on golf courses are nuts.

a spiking so good even Bill Cosby doffed his cap and winked his cloudy eye.

Both of those, plus Fleshlight, presenting sponsor of 50 Shades of Jim Gray After Dark.

That doesn’t actually happen, but thanks for sharing your fantasies with us.

That’s what being an ally is. Listening, asking, “what can I do to help” and then ACTUALLY DOING IT

They don’t see it because they don’t want to.

DePino said it upsets her that her fellow white people don’t recognize that implicit bias is real.

Thank you for saying what you said. Period.

This... is good.

He should have stuck with fencing.

OBJ should get back on track and maybe murder someone.

Lewis’ words cut so deep he’ll have to throw away another suit.

Hot take- in a reasonable world Ray Lewis would keep his mouth shut when it came to issues of morality and comportment.

They’re Pornographic When I google “Ebony couple rides Republican penis while kissing white man’s anus” (purely for research purposes), the first 117 results were Diamond and Silk videos.

May this movement catch fire like a mighty river.

As a non-American, I want to say this: Prior to 2017, I had always thought that America was a nation of kind, compassionate people blotted sparsely with the ugliness that invariably exists in any large group of people.

I keep harping on this, (stick to sprots!) but Boomers are (and have been) the greatest threat to America as the founders saw it, and have been since they were given the right to vote in 1970. They were given everything, grew up during the most prosperous time in american history, and promptly fucked every coming

Sometimes it’s Thoughts and Prayers (tm)