
Holy prototypical Philly stereotypes, Batman!

The accused man later told police he was in a rage because he thought his sister had sex with a black man.

If Cousins could drag the Browns to 8-8, he’d be worthy of Canton.

So Washington drafted a guy who was Rookie of the Year that they traded up for, also drafted his insurance policy, played both guys for the last six years, franchise tagged said insurance policy twice, and now traded for a QB who is four years older than Cousins and has only 1 4,000 yard passing season compared to

Ahh the classic “the team that lost is actually better and just played poorly in new game. The winning team really did nothing at all to completely dominate the entire night” argument.

Hmm, I actually meant that to be more in agreement, like, “We sure can be!” Word order matters.

Dahmer was 17-2. You forgot about his match with Christopher Scarver.

Why go to Britain when you have Bundy? Buy American.

Your syllogism doesn’t work. While Gacy is an undisputed CLOWN SERIAL KILLER, in order to find a parallel to the Pats and a serial killer you are going to have to go Britain. Harold Shipman. Brilliant. Educated. Charming. 250 people dead and counting. He’s Brady and Belichick all rolled up in one.

I might be splitting hairs here, but honestly? I have no qualms with rooting for the Eagles. As a Niners’ fan, they have the same divisional rivalries as we do (Cowboys and Giants), I honestly have no leg to stand on to claim that their fans are particularly obnoxious given the weekly bar-room brawl that Candlestick

“hungrier for the win” for the win.

I would watch the shit out of a Dahmer / Gacy boxing match.

Let’s just breakdown what we’re working with here.

Serious question: Going by the bands you listed, and the average age of fans of said bands, how do you not already have a couple of teenagers to drive you insane? Most of us are already sending the first wave off to college.

When I become a dad, dad rock will be things like Tool, Nine Inch Nails, RATM, KORN, Third Eye Blind (hell yeah), Deftones, not that bullshit glamour “metal”. I will drive them to kindergarten every morning and they’re going to be so goddamn amped up from the music that they’ll punch a fucking hole through their

And here I got all suspicious when my brother-in-law informed me he couldn’t hang out before the game today because he had to “go downtown and grease some poles.”

Bitch please. Jay Cutler looked at that dead ass dolphin and was like, “I choke harder than that in the preseason, bro.” He then threw a pick six to the already dead dolphin.
Dude’s elite.

Shit, you think you’re smart, you follow all the sites, you read all the important news and then you find out you’ve been wrong about Jay Cutler’s nickname all along