
I love Deadspin and its commenters.

Here’s a good, fancy dog.


As a Bills fan and Taylor supporter, I can assure you, they’re not ready to give up on Peterman...

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

Only 45 could succeed in making another narcissist look less narcissisty.

I remember a while back I took Dunham to task on a Jezebel article for, after finally caving and having an actual black character on her show, he was a sexual interest for her character who was made a fucking REPUBLICAN so her character could look down on him and lecture him. I was soundly berated by the followers

She was 110% on POINT. But it will still accomplish nothing because these people are beyond reprobate racists and knew it was bullshit from the get go. They will continue as normal while white liberals purse their lips in disapproval but do nothing about it.

That man has the grip strength of a tadpole/

Jeff Fisher would be 4-4-1 if a season had 9 games

But not the storebought kind, no sir! After I gather up the hoof clippins’, I render em’ down and make my own paste. It’s free and it keeps my boots waterproof in a pinch as well!

Not really.

McAdooooon’t work here anymore.

Not enough people have seen it and that makes me sad.

Great, so now Zeke’s gotta get himself a Suspension-Buster-Buster-Buster-Buster-Buster-Buster.


“You see that there? That’s a green hobo mistake. You gotta tie a string to your hat, that way, regardless of high winds or a minor donnybrook you still have something to strain you sock soup with.”

This comment is disgusting and beautiful.

That’s fucked up. Have a star.

Cars and Coffee is about to become Blood and Guts.