
It is a truly great story of n00b foolishness. Just take your 10mg and give it time.

Jason, I know this piece wasnt for us because we know you, we trust your judgment and your integrity. This piece was, for lack of a better phrase, the mothafuckin haters. Everyday we come to the Root to learn (ok and have fun with Michael H) from you and the other staff and (some of) the commenters. I hope you know we

He’s a kid, in his formative years. He’s not an animal yet, though he might be well on his way, now.

Human? No. But whatever is wearing that human suit next to her that got its programming stuck in a looped about-face is terrifying.

“We will be back right after the break with a heartbreaking story of a local woman who humiliates her children by going on television and vomiting for 30 local wives who are pretending they don’t feel their husband’s erections pressed firmly against their ass. Wait til you hear her side of the story. This is Denver

Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.

I mean he should. Dude on Snapchat said a bunch of racial slurs and totally had the ass whopping coming, but the other kid beat a student on school property during school hours. In terms of immediate student saftey one is a bigger issue, no matter how justified the beating was.

As one of my boys said, “some people will ONLY understand a good ass whuppin’”

That’s completely unacceptable. I don’t know what type of instruction or training that young man received at home, but he clearly needed to tuck his elbows in when throwing his punches, and snap his wrist in at the end to transfer maximum force.

I have an abiding faith—in very specific circumstances, this being one of them—in the corrective properties of a good old-fashioned, artisanal, locally sourced, handcrafted, small-batch, ass-whupping.

An answer, not the answer?

I dunno violence is sometimes the answer.

If violence isn’t solving your problem, you’re not using enough.

Violance might not work, but violence sure tends to straighten some shit mightily efficiently.

In the immortal words of Tron, portrayed by Dave Chappelle in his heyday

I guess I should say something about how terrible this is.

But did they disrespect The Anthem?

That’s one way to look at it. Or, just maybe, Washington had a terrible DL last year, let their least crappy lineman go, signed terrible replacements, lost the rookie hotshot they were gifted in the draft to a Lisfranc, and haven’t been able to bring down a mobile QB in thirty years except for RG3.

I’m with you on this. If they’re up 25 on you, you don’t get to clamor for “respect”. Don’t want them to run up the score and showboat? Don’t let them. This isn’t high school where “sportsmanship” matters because the talent gap is often huge. You’re all pros.