Last Week Tonight did a compilation.
This person is out of the greys and yet I’m not...
Jiminy Crickets! That was one Gosh Darned great kick! Boy howdy, he sure gave that football one H-E-double-hockey sticks of a shellacking!
+1 death due to dysentery
My only thought during the whole clip was:
if Elliott made the kick, the longest in team history, he’d “freaking give him my paycheck.”
Awful, or elite? I think you meant elite...
Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...
“Just give me the damn ball, as per Rule 8.3(a)(b)(c) and all subsequent items.”
As a veteran I am sick and fucking tired of being used as a poster for the right in general. Like a lot, maybe most, people I signed up for a lot of reasons, family, circumstance, patriotism and to get the fuck out of small town. If I’d known 30 years later my service would used like this, I would’ve taken that job at…
Think how much farther he could have kicked it if he’d been a second round pick.
Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.
Oh Robert, you’re not a victim. You should start accepting responsibility for your actions.
that’s a great story! Congrats.
Went to Baylor during the RG3 years... can confirm, much more of a dick than he lets on. Source: Friend who had a few group projects with him.
One of my COs on deployment used to claim all the time that he was close personal friends with Santana Moss; I was/am a rabid DC fan, and loved Santana. The CO was from Mississippi, not Florida, never explained HOW he knew him, and had always talked a good game, so I didn’t really believe him, but wasn’t in a position…
Moss then hinted that Griffin put on a public persona and was more a dick than he let on.