
I’d watch what I say about Barkley. You know what he’s capable of...

Get this Rebeckham outta here.

This person is out of the greys and yet I’m not...

Jiminy Crickets! That was one Gosh Darned great kick! Boy howdy, he sure gave that football one H-E-double-hockey sticks of a shellacking!

+1 death due to dysentery

You shut your filthy mouth about Wentz.

My only thought during the whole clip was:

if Elliott made the kick, the longest in team history, he’d “freaking give him my paycheck.”

Awful, or elite? I think you meant elite...

Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...

“Just give me the damn ball, as per Rule 8.3(a)(b)(c) and all subsequent items.”

As a veteran I am sick and fucking tired of being used as a poster for the right in general. Like a lot, maybe most, people I signed up for a lot of reasons, family, circumstance, patriotism and to get the fuck out of small town. If I’d known 30 years later my service would used like this, I would’ve taken that job at

Think how much farther he could have kicked it if he’d been a second round pick.

Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.

Oh Robert, you’re not a victim. You should start accepting responsibility for your actions.

that’s a great story! Congrats.

Went to Baylor during the RG3 years... can confirm, much more of a dick than he lets on. Source: Friend who had a few group projects with him.

One of my COs on deployment used to claim all the time that he was close personal friends with Santana Moss; I was/am a rabid DC fan, and loved Santana. The CO was from Mississippi, not Florida, never explained HOW he knew him, and had always talked a good game, so I didn’t really believe him, but wasn’t in a position

Moss then hinted that Griffin put on a public persona and was more a dick than he let on.