
Wait, so Junior is messing around with this:

What a petty letter. The guy who runs this organization must be a really small man.

Right wing talking heads: “If the Jews had been allowed to fight back, maybe things would’ve turned out differently.”

Never a wrong time for this one:

When a government spokesperson calls for you to be fired for your free speech it is a fucking First Amendment issue.

When the Executive Branch of our government is openly calling for someone to be fired because of her speech, the First Amendment argument is definitely valid.

Time to get this out of the grays.

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

Oh for fucks’ sake, get over it. Complain all you want, but Jeff George isn’t going to come out of retirement. End of story.

Welcome to Bad Quarterback Performance Of The Week, a recurring feature in which we celebrate the worst quarterback play the NFL has to offer.

This is a downer.

Post-fact society! If it makes me angry or uncomfortable then it is obviously fake news!

Yes, a picture of a black man—not an actual black man, but a picture of a black man made them mad.

Trumpkins are fucking morons. They are cutting their own ignorant throats because of their unwarranted fears and racism.


Up next: alcoholic drinks get you drunk.

“Study shows we’ve run out of studies that prove anything but common-sense.”

They spent money to tell us something we already knew.

Probably a jackass.