
2 days of pissing out of your ass every 5 minutes followed by 3 days of not being able to predict if that’s a fart or a shit you have brewing is truly playing the game of life on Expert difficulty.

Shit, it took awhile before we got one of these. Thanks for taking the pressure off someone else, though, so now we get to read a ton of butthurt takes.

Ohhhhh yah, the White Walkers, not too good a deal there. They were over at Olafson’s farm the other year, you know, couple miles past the old Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and then turn left at where Svenson used to have his silo? His kid left for school in King’s Landing this year. King’s Landing, I don’t know about that,

I would like the Lannisters to have Boston accents.

Pittsburgh is Philly’s little brother


I enjoy teasing my wife (an OSU grad) with how OSU and Jets fans need chants to remember how to spell things. She does not enjoy this joke.

“So true. Like the time Chris Henry fell off a truck and died”

“When I watched the Kevin Costner movie “Draft Day” I had to leave the theater because the Montana-to-Taylor winning touchdown pass gave me a panic attack. I was eight when that Super Bowl happened.”

Becuz police brutality and institutional racism have been very good to a bunch of ol’ white billionaires and they don’t want to change a thing. ‘Who’s that loudmouth in steerage rocking the boat? Didn’t we give him enough money to buy all the El Dorados and hos he could ever want? Let’s see how he likes being back on

Kaep only seems bad if you just watch his games against the Seahawks. He’s had some terrible supporting casts ever since Harbaugh left and a quarter of the team decided to up and retire. I struggle to grasp why a player protesting the anthem for a noble cause can turn a player more radioactive than a player who’s

Fuck off!

But you guys win so many games!


As a Ravens fan and Baltimore resident the only backup Flacco has is a group of crabs glued to Natty Boh cans in the shape of a person.

I say you should air on the side of truth and petty by dumping this and several other articles about the failures of police on her ass. No need to play nice with bigot-adjacent people.

Stop being presumptious. Shannon Sharpe was only found near the scene of a dunking, with a guy in his entourage hanging on the rim.

Wow, I would’ve expected Bisciotti to be the dunkee.

‘Do you want to know how I got these scars?”