
You may know this already, but it’s hidden back there about 40 years: That’s actually how his name is pronounced. They changed it at Notre Dame to rhyme with Heisman, for that reason.

Well, whatever the excuse, they need to pay him. Cousins is the best quarterback they’ve had there since Duck Williams.

Truly, Team No One.

It should have been an NJP proceeding, but Manago told NJ.com that he declined that option because then that would have given his commander the opportunity to demote him and he was trying to avoid that....though it didn’t work out either which way.

Nice try but nope. New York is the team that stepped up and prevented the worst national nightmare from happenning when every other team failed to do so.

Nevermind is right.

It’s a real shame he couldn’t get a ring.

That’s some cold-blooded shit right there.

Exactly! Spot the fuck on my military Brother!

As a 10 year Marine Corps vet, EVERYTHING REPORTED IN THIS POST sounds about right.

On the flip side that is what the Jets LBs will look like on every play.

+ 0-16

Could be the last decent block we get from a Jet in 2017...

I’m one of those Cs fans who yesterday afternoon, chatting by the water cooler, threw out the “Ya know, Jae Crowder is pretty solid physically, he could give LeBron some difficulty” theory.

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

The generalization point is fair. But to those who may feel it’s unfair to be generalized, also remember the fact that black and brown people get generalized every single day

Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so