
When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this guy that a GOOD ass-whooping wouldn't fix.

You do not know what the fuck you are talking about, yet, here you are, talking about it. It is not a valid discussion because it starts with a false premise.

Well she *is* in college, you pedant/spoilsport/dreamcrusher.

I don't know. I think maybe the world's saddest Nets fan is the one taking the picture.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

it was more broadly indicting of the institution of slavery than any one particular person in the story

You said it. Like, I'm obviously all for Ejiofor. But if McConaughey or DiCaprio win, I can't really argue against it at all.

Michael Fassbender or GTFO

Huh. I thought the only n-word ESPN vigilantly avoided using was "NHL"

NFL: "Nigger" is a bad word that drags us back to the days of slavery. Now step on this scale and run the 40 yard dash so we can measure your physical attributes and let rich white men decide where you get to live and work.

Cord Jefferson also writes superb pieces on race for Gawker.

It is strange to me that some of the best and informed writing on race in America occurs on Deadspin. Writers like Mr. Howard deserve a wide audience.

+1, Greg. Nice job.

Needless to say, the weapon was not a jump shot.

In all seriousness: is it just me, or is he dealing with this in about the best way possible? No "sorry if I offended anyone," or any other equivocations like that.

How much did they fine him for going to a Kenny Chesney concert?

I never used the n-word, before. Except, for this one time that was caught on camera.

Later, at the Eagles practice facility: "I will apologize to every nigger here."