
I find this offensive. I don't know where to begin? Probably because I'm too drunk right now.

Don't tell me I'm wrong. I pass by the local watering hole every day and it's PACKED with white people.

This is the first time I've ever read a comment past "Not to get racial" and didn't immediately regret it. +1

Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus

I could write about this for DAYS but it really bothered me that tears sprang to her eyes when she was talking about her grandkid and the friend she held who was sobbing, like those were the worst things about the entire kerfuffle.

This was sickening to watch. Her picture should be in the dictionary under White Women's Tears. No mention of her treatment of Black employees. No mention of her waxing nostalgic about slavery. She and the MSM have narrowed the entire controversy down to her use of a slur and now she's playing the victim. It

I'm going to post this here and it may quite possibly be very unpopular and I have zero fucks to give in that case otherwise I wouldn't be posting it.

Bro, did you not notice the Illinois plates?