
So I guess now Sega does what Nintendoes


Heh, you think those conditions have changed.

Mario’s nipples are cannons? I need to see this!

A third of these relied on rather obscure knowledge of the games they’re referencing to even understand the punchline.

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

Good. :)

Homestuck’s fandom definitely got super annoying and it didn’t manage to wrap up in a satisfying manner, but so much of it was still so good. I still feel like “Cascade” was the pinnacle of internet media and I still get chills watching it.

Quite a bit. He’s one of the main characters of Chapter 2, which covers the development of Uncharted 4. (Each chapter covers a different game.) And if you read the book, this news shouldn’t be shocking. He was burnt out really badly by that game.

Yay for attaining basic functionality.

The secret is the full title of Knack 2 is “Doki Doki panKnack 2.”

Part of me hopes that the boss dialogue for Way of the Passive Fist is a reference to Neil Breen.

He was a carpenter in his early appearances, but I think they made him a plumber later

Now playing

Still, nothing can’t top the GOTY Papers, Please by the design of brilliant scientists from our glorious magnificent ultra advanced country Arstotzka.

It was supposed to release awhile back, but a company called The Odd Gentlemen (who are behind the new Kings Quest remakes) essentially stole the money Hussie & Co gave them to help develop the game, released a very shoddy demo of just a walk cycle when it was time to show their progress, and then essentially used the

All hail Luigi, breacher of universes.

Don’t let anyone forget that the reason this game was delayed so much is because the studio behind the new Kings Quest games essentially stole all the kickstarter money raised and given to them to create the game in the first place.

Still the best one

I was picked on a lot as a kid and it was often directed at my somewhat defiant love of GameCube. It really sucked and probably contributed to triggering the depression I came to struggle with for the years following (and now manage). And I gotta say, all the sorrow that came in response for my love of GameCube was

“I once tracked down the author of this guide, Dan Birlew, and asked him how all this happened. He wouldn’t say. (“I do not comment on books/games that old. Please direct your queries to BradyGames.”