
I’m generally OK with fast-casual restaurants. I couldn’t begin to count the number of visits I made with co-workers to Applebee’s and TGI Friday’s and The Elephant Bar for cheap drinks and appetizers-turned-meals after work, and my best friend from high school specifically worked for an Olive Garden, so I do have a

Paul Brown, writer: “Hey, Megan Greenwell, editor-in-chief of Deadspin, I’d like to pitch you a story.”

Thank you for the write-up on our game! If anyone’s interested, you can wishlist Anodyne 2 on Steam and Kartridge below.

I’d like to see an isekai where the protagonist enters a world where there are no isekai anime and he and his not-a-harem collection of friends have to band together to keep the rot from spreading to there. The evil minions can be tsundere moeblobs.

Wonder if the snitches got Switches.

I have this sitting in my house.

Agreed. I look forward to a mythical time when politicians are blasted for being shitty Tanks instead of being shitty people.

I’ve had all the usual horror stories, but a lot of them ended up being fun. I had one player who decided that he would be disruptive with his cleric and shout, “My God commands me!” In. Every. Single. Encounter. Best part? He whiffed every attack after his battle cry. So, it became a running gag in the group that he


Can you really write an article about this kinda thing when your own site is bright white?

Far Cry 5 really hit me at my core. I’m not religious, not by a long shot, but I was raised christian, went to church as a kid and everything. Almost got confirmed, but my parents pulled me because I was being bullied. Since then I’ve more or less drifted into the agnostic category. I’ll believe in god or a higher

I saw the title for this article and thought “Oh, I actually already knew that.”

Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?

> Banner Saga 3, the finale of the acclaimed RPG series.

Man, the Redwall franchise has really changed since Brian Jacques died.

*flips back a few pages to choose the other option*