
Detroit here. I’ll bust out my snow blower after I’m done working in the home office today. After that, I’ll come back in, make a latte, and sit in front of the TV for the rest of the night.

“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”

What a load of BS. There is no one saying you don’t have the constitutional right to assemble - but that right can be regulated. For example you can’t assemble in the middle of the street and you certainly cannot assemble in front of a police car with its sirens on. That’s like saying you have the right to bear arms

AWD hybrid Cayman.

Mad Mike is gone but the Earth is still a-round...

I’ll see myself out

So is he now the flattest flat Earther?

That still costs you money, but you’ve already paid it.


Yes, on the Mazda 6 since 2014. As I stated in the article. 

OK, former trucker and mechanical engineer here. I just wanted to address this kluge-job, and answer a few of your questions:

2016 Escala Concept:

If a drifting DB5 followed up with Gatling gun donuts is a bad movie I don't want a good movie.  

Agree. Burgandy or GTFO.

It’s only appropriate, everyone knows that jaundiced yellow headlights are a symptom of kidney failure.

You ok there bud? Should we call an amberlamps?

He took the keys with him when he left. They don’t have the funds for a new set of keys.

I’mma let you finish...

Gee, I don’t know. I would have given Vettel 51% of the blame.