

I dont think even chair this will help one of my colleagues who has her office at >80f and *still* has 3, yes three, space heaters blowing on her and still complains it is "too cold."

Facebook drama queens (pardon the inherent redundancy) are amusing insofar as how much energy they expend on the whole friend/unfriend thing.

What about plastic / covers in case there is an outdoor shoot and it starts raining (snowing?) and equipment is exposed?

Basically, yes, I have never seen people waste so much time as on FB, spending literally 6, 8 hours a day on there poking, chatting, posting cat videos etc. (and thats just the "work" day, not even counting when they are at home).

because all facebook people do all day long, every day, is long in over and over and over and post stupid cat videos or drunken photos and click like like like

sheeple because everyone on facebook acts the same - post drunken photos, cat videos, etc. 'Bot' because facebook people act almost robotic, they *have* to check in or update every 2 minutes, they *have* to login every possible moment. For example, one can virtually guarantee that the very first thing a sheeplebot

Mainstream stuff is ok, but the addicted need for folks to poke people, post endless cat videos, put up pictures of their drunken stupidity just utterly escapes me.

Nah combs and toothbrushes dont require me to spend all day mindlessly posting photos of idots passed out drunk, cat videos, "poke" people, and of course the sheeplebot staple - "checking in" every 2 minutes and if unable, moaning and groaning until able to do so.

It doesn't conflict with IP at all. When one agrees to use these sorts of sites (FB, twitter, etc.) you expressly agree that said websites can and will maintain copies of everything and anything you post onto that site. And they do. As I noted below, FB for example never deletes anything. Ever (unless strictly by

Um, duh.


"So the reason the EU fuel prices are so high, is because the government has made them that high to discourage US style vehicle use and to make some money off of it."

Might be some real juicy (and tinfoil-hat worthy) morsels found if the prosecutor subpoenas their entire Facebook message / chat histories.

Gas cost is about what it was in Europe what, a decade ago? I know my sister currently pays about $9.25 per gall.


They (the USAF or whoever the drone was managed by) should have uploaded and encrypted a few gay p0rn files in the drone's memory banks just in case the thing went down in Iran.

I dont think it will be the photos/videos that sink people...it will be the messages and chat dialogues with other FB members that will do them in.

thanks! those are helpful tips

Maybe the next upgraded model will turn.