
Well, since there are easily detectable quantities of cocaine on the vast majority (>98%) of dollar bills in circulation, implementation of this device could be quite interesting!

Well one thing is for sure - if the army paid for those cameras...then they cost far, Far, FAR more than $1k probably close to $12-15k each (body only).

Darwin, however, is evidently alive and well lol.

Way to catch up to like 2007, Facebook! Bout darn time.

"Landings like that have been known to collapse the nose gear into the body" ....and flip over jumbo jets; See, e.g., Fedex Narita crash (video below).

yes, what you just described and what is shown int his video is called "porpoising" (see my posts below) and is much, much worse for stability and structural integrity than a rear main gear "bounce" as occurs not uncommonly, probably what happened to aec007 above

Now playing

This is at the same airport, Fedex MD11, demonstrating a ore extreme level (and outcome) of "porpoising" landing (the landing part of the clip is towards the middle of the video):

well, true that

lol, there is always, ALWAYS one of those passengers on a flight; its often the same one that stood up just after liftoff (takeoff) to use the lavatory and has to be scolded by a FA;

yup, thats called porpoising

Also, does it appear to you, that just after all three landing gear (finally) are on the ground, the jet makes a rather significant ("sharp") left turn so as to remain on the runway (i.e. it was pointed way off center-line)? It looks that way to me. And at those speeds, and after fuselage is already bent (from the

Its definitely porpoising on that landing. Not good. Fortunately it didnt end up like the Fedex Flight into Japan a few years ago (I think that was a MD11/Narita).

Huzzah! They've finally found a giant container holding the heretofore missing "massive stockpiles" of WMDs that were supposedly "stored all over Iraq."

You may remember be familiar with them, sure, but I doubt a lot of 15-17yos really "experienced" them on a day to day basis.

Thanks Giz, for making me feel even older. Although I do feel in a way sorta sad that some younger folks dont remember / didnt get to experience these early things from the tech dark ages.

What would be a *fun* experiment (albeit strikingly dangerous to society) would be for them to take FB totally offline and see how quickly the FB sheeplebots' heads explode.

I probably got the inseam part mixed up; my point was, the jeans for the 6' + folks are low/mid level, whereas jeans for shorter folks are way way up high in the vast majority of retailers with stacked racks.

It's a bit like how enraged I get that the 30:30 jeans/pants (at clothes stores) are always, **always** on the top racks out of reach for a 5'7" person, but the 38:32 or 40:34 sizes are right down in the bins at eye/waist level.

The words fri and sat at the tops of the columns are now centered vs. off center