
Its not uncommon these days; I saw it a lot in the breast cancer area, where the docs performed mastectomies and then reconstructive (sometimes massive) surgery. Also, there are some extensive pelvic surgeries that are rather disfiguring and require f/u plastics.

and what of LTE?

Nope. I have a coworker who routinely pings us with completely non-important emails at what I consider unacceptable times (e.g., 11pm on a Friday; 5am on a Sunday, etc.). It drives many of us a little crazy, esp. those of us who are required to check every email that comes in 24/7. So, I'd like to start returning the

email question: using outlook, if you set something to be sent via the "Delay Delivery" option is there any way that the recipient can tell (in the header, for example) that said email was dispatched using that option?

This is great. I find some of the best 'humor' is stuff that is not far off from reality, such as this. Another example (**NOT** making a political statement at all, I'm merely a statement re: humor that fits this model) was some of the Tina Fey/Palin stuff, where Fey's script/dialogue was sometimes taken virtually

Yup, I think it was brand new 777 delivery, and pilot did (very) low flyby, got fired as I recall b/c the flyby was not requested or advised of in advance.

No worries. The reason I was suspicious was because I knew that the Concorde was not allowed over-land flight b/c of the sonic boom it caused, and I figure if the boom was created only going into (and out of) supersonic, they could have just flown out over coast ofsLA/NY/TX, gone super, then crossed US.

most likely not, the rate of descent towards the end indicates a rather significant nose-down pitch

are you sure about that? i didnt realize that

I'm guessing it was a loss of pressure or serious medical, but I wonder if the military jet(s) did a supersonic flyby to "boom" the pilot maybe wake him up if he was merely asleep (again, doubtful, I just throw that out there).

Be very wary of major network identification of planes. It is not uncommon to hear reports of stories involving, for example, a "Boeing Airbus" lol (that one's for you, Ms. Diane Sawyer!).

I know , the best I could do with wheels up lol.

Giz, perhaps this photo with omg brb would be a bit better?

Curious - are there devices that need to be unlocked to turn them off? I have a BB, iOS, and android devices, all can be powered down in their locked state.

Actually, totally for free.

Again, what were his total real estate costs, land, building, closing costs, atty fee, deed transfer, etc.? Very few real estate transactions occur with closing costs <$3k, and an acre of land even in the sticks of PA is going to cost you more than $500.

Agreed. The land/building/closing costs/deed transfer alone would have eaten up a lot of $3,500, n'est-ce pas?

I would hope that with their PR push for this OS, that a totally free phone is out of stock. Just sayin'.

And cats, and cups of coffee. I'm not on Facebook, but 75% of it seems to be folks posting photos of either cats or users' morning cups of coffee, and an entire day of banal banter back and forth with 'friends' they've never even met about these photos.

Next stop...the Circle of Willis.