
Privacy settings? Lulz. Once it is a FB property (the database), the underlying data is theits and cannot be user deleted. Ever. As in, ever ever. FB always keeps a copy of *every*thing permanently and indefinitely.

are you all plagued like me with the ever constant onslaught of emails FROM facebook saying "XYZ has sent you an invite to join them on facebook!!" blah blah blah?

That wasnt my intent, but if you can suggest a better term that even begins to describe 98% of FB users as perfectly as 'sheeplebot' does, I am all ears :)

No, it doesnt add the feature, you are correct. But it gives FB basically unrestricted access/ownership of the photo database, which FB now can (and will) keep permanently and indefinitely. More data in their database = better ad targeting, etc. As you likely know, FB keeps every electron of data that ever crosses

Its not so much just the user, but the user + their photo database, which FB will now have relatively unrestricted rights/access to. Thats where the 'value' to FB is.

Yup, in no time at all (I'd sayl ess than a week) the FB sheeplebots will be in blissful instagram glory, and then FB will change things up somewhat (interface, options, etc.), and the sheeplebots will piss and moan for a day like big babies, then they will be back in sheeplebot bliss - and the cycle will continue ad

it appears that there are 3 of us such unicorns on giz

yep, bingo

Because it gets FB a ton more data for targeted advertising. For example, you upload a photo to FB of a friend in Times Square. FB and its advertisers now know you are in NY and can target ads and promos to you. FB now also owns certain rights in that photo (that photo is yours, but you have signed certain rights to

Oh ok it was a bit unclear. It's just frustrating for us non-FB folks (read: unicorns) that literally everything is facebook facebook facebook 24/7.

Yes, because what the world *really* needs more than anything is more FB apps - because there really are not nearly enough despite the fact that one cannot sit on the can and wipe without having FB sheeplebot login credentials.

I don't think they will 'own' all the photos. However, like all other Facebook data (photos, txts, wall comments, chat dialogues, etc.) they *will* likely keep a (backup) copy (or copies) of everything permanently and indefinitely that cannot be deleted by users. Ever.

Well I dont have to be a FB member to use my ATM. Yet.

NOT trying to incite any flame wars, but I often find the best comedy is that which is very close to 'reality.' Thus my vote definitely goes for the microsoft parody because that was basically my daily existence (read:torture) with Vista when trying to do mundane things like print, add a device, etc. (W7 has

ok i guess i see your point

Signs like this do not apply to people like that. Because they have special powers (or so they think), just like the special people who can text while driving, or those that can walk around a plane during heavy turbulence lol.

no, thatd be cool actually - good idea

Too bad - I've always wanted to get down there and see some 74s on final those are my favorite vids of that beach.

Who wants to bet that after all these years they will now close down that patch of road/beach right behind the runway thanks to that one clown.

So, your position is that once a person (lets say person "A") donates an organ to someone, let's say person "B"), the donated organ is stillbelongs to person A? That's not how it works in the US transplant regime (once you "dontate" an organ, it is no longer yours to reclaim).