
I dunno whats more impressive in that photo to me, the tornado, or all that empty space and land.

excellent point

Someone upstairs is risking a pink slip - because this tornado mistakenly hit a truck depot instead of a trailer park, and tornadoes are always, ALWAYS required to hit trailer parks.

Can I say how much it aggravates me when news stations place their huge splash banner in the camera field of a breaking news live video shot?

Whooooaaaah, someone musta' really pissed off the big sky-faerie.

Actually I've come to believe it isnt youre average level-headed republican that's the problem or the source of all these BS statutes - it's the radical religious wing-nut crackpot gun-wielding bible thumpin' sky-faerie praying Tea Party cohort that has completely hijacked the party and has it by the balls. Have you

Actually, your analysis is incorrect.

I'll add to that Vezroth, that in my opinion, there is virtually no discipline by parents of their evil demon kids. Kids these days are, almost without exception, completely out of control, irresponsible, "entitled," and so on. If youve taken any domestic flight, or eaten at a family restaurant lately, you know what I

@Subject, honestly speaking, if Mittens is elected in your opinion how do you think he will govern...more like the quasi liberal republican he was, or more in line with the vocal extremists you mention?

Brought to you by "Real Americans" who refuse to eat "French Fries" and worry each day that they might fall off the edge of Earth, often easily identified by their "wide stance" in public bathrooms.

Matthew, I have found - and I mean this in all sincerity - that the vast majority of "hardcore conservatives" (such as the AZ clowns) have very little, if any, knowledge of what the constitution actually says...not even its elementary sections and clauses (other than portions that support their right to carry

You've now been reported to the Tea Party gestapo because you are not a 'real American.'

I'm sure that there is a bible verse or three that the religious AZ wing-nut hypocrite whack-jobs (pardon the extreme redundancy) conveniently cherry-picked as 'support' for this stupid law. You know, before they voted and then snuck off to the local strip club for their liquid lunches.

Sorta reminds of me years ago when I went to West Point (army) for a football game. As fans arrived for the game, cadets helped direct traffic towards parking. The cadets were in full-out camo, with blazing orange safety vests over the top.

Hmmm, I dont know where you came up with "cool and rebellious" lol, but in any event, I dont make any more fun of religious folks that believe in god (regardless of which of the dozens upon dozens they cherry-pick from) than I do of folks that believe in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

guilty as charged; yeah i'm on that whole science 'fringe' lol

@ I suppose - baby steps, baby steps! Let's start slowly with basics such as convincing (teaching?) tech blog writers to use the active (vs. passive) voice. False dichotomy's are waaaaaaaayyyy down the road.

polyspermy; there are also other actions upon fertilization such as egg cell wall thickening, secretion of substances that ward of other sperm, and so on; it is quite a process!

Hmmm, I'm not so sure there's an advantage...as a christian he shouldnt have/view porn, and thus the magical sky faerie will have to sprinkle pixie dust and forgive the priest - unlikely given the gravity of the situation offense! If forgiveness is not achieved, then he goes to hell for his sib anyway, n'est-ce pas?

ah, sorry you missed obvious the point...had he been an atheist (instead of someone promoting the big magical sky faerie), he would be gay but he would not have been a priest in front of a parish...