
wait and see; i'm confident his plea deal will be very juicy and lax on him, and he will make millions

Pretty slick. He avoids jail, and will (quite likely) pocket tens of millions in book/movie deals.

Actually, I sense the "camo" was just sort of tacked on for fun, on top of the materials on there to protect the costly camera and the little lens from the elements. Clearly, there was no intent (or need) to really "camo" it.

The "camo" here appears utterly unnecessary.

That network is only available in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

5 years from now:

Hmmm, another tool for FB sheeplebots who go into full psychological meltdown if they cant access FB for over 15 minutes.

It is a curious irony that they've allegedly notified New Yorkers (city I presume) - an area with extremely (!!!) spotty and unreliable 3G, including inside many/most buildings that are more structurally substantial than a thatch hut. I'd estimate my phone is on EDGE 60-70% of its use due to AT&Ts piss-poor 3G


I'm just astounded how many folks dont know that leap years fall on presidential election years.

Maybe AT&T will let developers pay to roll out a network in NYC that actually lets users GET usable cell data in crazy places, like inside buildings. Who knows!

wow they had some decent stuff on there

it folds into the nooks of the helmet and the concave shape holds it there; lots of helmet inserts do this.

I dunno, it's kinda' cool...like walking around with one's saggybag pants around their thighs.

Wow, wish I had a 'job' where getting totally bombed and blacking out repeatedly was not only acceptable, but was encouraged. Actually, I don't. But what are you, like 21? And of the above, youre worried only about the *gadgets* and not the (exceedingly clear) fact that you have serious substance abuse problems?

Perhaps, but the next sentence "[But] He defied expectations..." sets the context making it clear that the author's version was correct, and that Wrinklemon's "correction" is incorrect.

Yeah I've read some of his stuff, his patent stuff is ok but I'm pretty confident it wasn't his area of practice since he made a lot of the common mistakes when writing re: IP/patents.

My suggestion is that Giz (and all the other tech blogs, for that matter) really, *really* should hire an editor with some kind, *any* kind, of knowledge relating to patents and patent law. You know there's trouble, for example, when one can't even get past the article title without there being a mistake.

Well I've never been to CA (I hope to at some point!) but I am reasonably certain after a 2 minute (including a coffee refill) search of the area depicted in the aforementioned photo that it identifies San Diego CA (see, e.g., area between Sail Bay and Grand Ave.) (I'd estimate my accuracy here at greater than

Yup, it's gonna really start hitting the fan I'd say in 5-10 years when "interesting" things (photos, txts, chat dialogs, etc.) surface. People probably will start noticing only after court cases are publicized where certain information (e.g., please provide us a copy and all information associated with John Doe's