
You cannot be serious.

In fact, FB saves all data...literally every electron that ever crosses FB (txts, msgs, comments, photos, updates, etc. etc. I mean everything) permanently AND indefinitely on its dynamic backups. Please do not fall under the impression than ANYthing is deleted ever.

1. visit the 1 or 2 Apple stores in the town identified above by GIZ;

Sam, also, I presume Gizmodo is fully willing to cover this Wiz's full salary/benefit package until he finds a new job, as Apple is likely to can him?

It is quite likely he wont be an Apple employee for long after GIZ hosed him in this story.

GIZ - you have collectively screwed this guy **FAR** worse than Apple ever did. Their tech glitch was unintentional. Your story was both intentional with the added bonus of striving for wide public distribution and embarassment.

I hope Newt and the bible-thumping Dick Santorum fight it out as long as possible...the entertainment value so far has been priceless (I was sad to see Rick "I have never, ever, lost an election" Perry drop out so soon lulz. Evidently the giant mythical sky faerie made a boo-boo when he 'spoke' to Perry asking him to


For most sites I just use the site name, e.g., 'gizmodo' and 'wellsfargo' which are easy to remember. I think there is a lot less website username/PW hackery out there than we are led to believe.

The remote is not patented (as per the incorrect title) This is a patent APPLICATION not an issued U.S. patent.

Now playing

Maybe the rudder was working well, maybe not. But if you are going to showboat (no pun intended), dont assume everything will work exactly as you expect it to...cuz' sh.t happens.

Marine85, I used to get very annoyed (!) at articles like this too, until I finally just chalked it up to the incredible level of ignorance about patents and patent law in the population generally, and the tech blog world specifically. These folks write about patent issues, almost always with poor analysis (putting

Or, you can delete, er - "delete" (as Zuckerberg lols) your entire FB profile, because a year or two later should you regret said nuking, you can sign up again and find that FB graciously saved every electron of info you ever sent them and your profile springs back to life right where you left it.

hitokri, pardon the OT diversion, but how exactly is gay marriage "anti-Bible?"

In other news, in South Carolina Dick Santorum continues to strenuously defend the "sanctity" of Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries. Because, you know, gay marriage inevitably leads to "communities being destroyed" - as evidenced by the dozens upon dozens of towns and villages that have suddenly and

I'm glad I am not the only one that has realized the convex (in wrong direction) chairs on planes.

One step closer to...

I am guessing the new seats will still have the airline industry's trademark feature..."negative lumbar support."

Lots of good political new lately, SOPA withering away, and of course today's morsel of goodness regarding "god's candidate" lol.

PIPA almost down, next SOPA...and then last but certainly not least, lets *finally* get rid of DOMA.