I remember being completely mystified by this game as a kid. I'm insanely happy they did this.
I remember being completely mystified by this game as a kid. I'm insanely happy they did this.
It's somewhat terrifying to think of how many days/weeks/months of my life I've spent playing various versions of the Wolfenstein game, starting with this one back in the day.
"Y can't Metroid crawl?"
The Difference between North Korea and South Korea, courtesy of the Oatmeal
/raises hand
I would contend it's not the first "mobile" D&D in the broader sense of the word :
Another D&D game without Dragonborn. Was disappointed with Neverwinter because they had to have 3 Elf races in the game...
How would zombie kirby be different from regular kirby?
AD&D 2nd edition came out in 1989. Twenty-four years of standard 3% inflation produces a price multiplier of 2.03. That means if these books came out 24 years ago, they'd be $25, which sounds about right for RPG books in the late 80s, early 90s. So I don't think this is expensive.
But would they be a good present for a Kotaku writer on Fathers Day?
yeayyyy a post that as nothing to do with Xbox One!
It's really too bad that kameo didn't last i want more 3D platformers! :)
AllShamNoWow is a source?! Oh happy days! Now I can cite him on my papers.
What happened to snowboarding games? I liked them...
And on Kotaku we will be featuring:
I expect disappointment.
Whoaaa, calm down, please don't use logic in such debate, especially with those who are completely idiotic - you will confuse them.