Looks promising, I'll definitely keep in on my radar.
Looks promising, I'll definitely keep in on my radar.
I'd really like to see a digital version of Cards Against Humanity some day. It's fun as hell, and unfortunately some people have missed out on it since they avoid physical card games or simply feel like they aren't a relevant form of entertainment anymore, or simply don't feel like dropping $20+ on a card game.
They made their own version of Apples to Apples with more risque content, and they made millions? Damn...
Is it weird that I want to play this one instead?
Just to confirm, none of these 3DS Virtual Console games are with added 3D (unless otherwise noted), right?
I'm pretty certain the majority of their demographic is the elderly. I know my grandma loves it.
Chuggaconroy's gonna be pissed something fierce.
Beats by Shep.
And actually, it's much easier to get to the game you're playing on the Xbox. (I use both, for what it's worth, and usually play my PS3 more because my Xbox is old, the hard drive is nearly full, and replacements from Microsoft are expensive.) The Xbox starts off your cursor right on top of the game you want to…
You can buy games at Walmart, KMart, Target...or if you're lucky enough to have one nearby, Microcenter. All are better choices than GameStop.
He likes one page on his FB page and that's his own page. Where I noticed something very interesting...
I don't usually act like that, but this guy's face I would hit. Really really hard. With a baseball bat having rusty nails dipped in ricin, salt, alcohol and aids-contaminated blood.
Nearly every retailer out there puts games out on release day now. It's not like ten years ago when GameStop sold them on Tuesday and everybody else waited until the weekend.
I was just thinking the other day that I would love to see a Blast Corps movie. I don't care if it's a cheesy action movie, it seems to fit the game perfectly.
Wow good job Kotaku you fixed the photoshop contest layout! Super happy, will participate again!
Amazon isn't terrible to buy from... That's who I normally go to.
I've started ordering from Amazon if there isn't a local place and haven't looked back. It probably helps that I have Prime though so the shipping is quicker. Still, their prices are way better than gamestops and justifthwarting for me (at least when we're talking about physical copies).
Day one digital? :D
This is really cool.
Not all Oklahomans are like this, I swear. Most of us just abuse others through X-Box Live!