
So the 'rather cut off their boobs' reference is just a sick joke by the author on this feminist blog. One teensy problem: It's officially NOT FUCKING FUNNY.*

A-yup. And 35k is more than a little Stern. Considering Thibodeau made his remarks about the officials themselves with Silver-tongued restraint.

and you wonder why teams like the wings don't hire goons.

whew. thought i read college football catcher and got nervous again.

Sometimes you gotta go ass to mouth.

Not a single fuck was given.

This is the last known photo of this man.

i think bob was surprised to hear lawn jockeying wasn't a viable option back then.

I really don't see the problem with what Broussard said. It's not like he said "Kill all gays! The gays must die by fire right now!!" If he thinks being gay is a sin then fine. Muslim's think I'm sinning every day by eating pork (damnit I love bacon and I'm eating some on my pizza right now) and drinking alcohol (were

Sin only exists in the minds of those who believe in the hoary myths of religions like Christianity. It is an excellent concept to oppress people and throughout history it has been used by people in power to control & manipulate the masses. There is absolutely no empirical evidence for the existence of the

Butt-hurt? Me? I'm not the one getting knocked on my ass, wearing Lance Armstrong commemorative shorts. But hey, you clearly like to ramble on, so more power to you, Nancy.

More expensive? No. Sorry. And the gay little shorts likely didn't do much for impact protection.

Sodomy is a crime against God and Nature, an ancient taboo condemned but practiced by every religion, a shared intimacy that just feels damn good. So what's your problem with the extra $20? Anyway, you're arrested.