
You articulated my feelings about that combo better than I could. I much preferred Mad Dog, who actually seemed like he had a life outside the booth. But there was this undercurrent of angry white man element that seemed to bond the two. I remember Russo going bananas when LeBron got a Hummer (get yer mind out of

I'm still praying to hear from Owen Meany.

It is ON!

Temporal Prime Directive question:

Prince did that shit routinely when the Pistons had their mid-decade run. Scorer would get out on a fast break and go for a simple lay-in, and he'd run 'em down to tap that ball away from the bucket with the finesse of a virgin surgeon.

Shush, you'll wake him.

Congrats on your second post under a Burner account. The first one was, to quote a great man, racess.

Griz are playing like the 2004 Pistons. I see an Indy/Memphis final. Miami doesn't win out this year, and you can have me seester if I'm wrong.

Most under-powered car out there? All of them. Buy something with two wheels. Mine weighs 500 pounds and has 200 ponies. Great gas mileage, and it cost less than my annual property tax bill.

I know. Never understood the SAS hate, but then, I quit watching ESPN a long time ago. But that fucking commute with Mike and the Mad Dog just made me wish there was a god to bring down the wrath.

Third post on your Burner account? Nice.

No beef. Cheer up and chill out, man.

Hmm. A 24-hour-old Burner account. Okay.

Damn. If those players had gone straight to the minors after high school, that kid would be dead.

You've got way too much talent to be this defensive, dude.

Spoiler alert! A serious illusionist does not spill the tricks of whatever sleight-of-hand you used to sucker so many of us.

Fuck. I always liked Garrard. He had that dart-thrower passing arm that reminded me of Stabler. He just needed the right (and consistent) coaching scheme. He'll be back. Fuck the New Jersey Jets.

Mike, or Steve? Wait. Don't answer that. It's a trick question.

Uh, Craig Sager was working. The celebs were there to promote an upcoming and certifiably terrible M. Knight Shamalamadingdong movie.

Wow. I fell for it. My subtle sarcasm detector must be broken.