Screw that series. Sounds like bullshit, but I never thought the Griz would lose the nightcap, even down by 17. Okies up by 3 in the 4th right now, and I bet a testicle that the Griz win.
Screw that series. Sounds like bullshit, but I never thought the Griz would lose the nightcap, even down by 17. Okies up by 3 in the 4th right now, and I bet a testicle that the Griz win.
"Passive-aggressive faggotry?" Really, Karl?
Shit! She had cosmetic eye-straightening surgery! God hates that shit.
That was the best limerick of Rick,
Eh, he's too busy being Sean Newell on weekends.
He actually looks kinda lovable, like a sweet uncle without all the stabby parts.
My girlfriend loves those Dove ads. (At least the one with the forensic artist). She says it's about confidence in a person's self-image. I agree. Which is why I thought that Sandra Bernhard was far sexier than Madonna during their respective heydays.
Ah, the Kennedys. "Ah din't reahlize there was a young lady in my car with 40 minutes of air left." And +1.
Well, there's that. Condolences. But that happens when exurbia encroaches on wildlife preserves. Jersey had a bear hunt to "cull" half the 800 black bears in northwestern NJ some years back, thanks to McMansion Expansion.
Figures that a wire service vet like Stefan would be good at Scrabble. Anybody who edits raw copy learns to translate gibberish into words on deadline.
I love it when these prepared obits accidentally get released prematurely.
...and Eddie Jordan still doesn't have his degree. RIMSHOT!
You say omelet, I say potahto.
Dude was pretty brave. He could have put his eye out with that Red Ryder.
He'd better keep that pellet gun handy: Now he's gonna have one helluva rat problem.
I think the thing most football fans can take away from this front office shuffle is this: What kind of porn video was it, exactly?
Definitely an Eastern softshell. Not even close to a snapper. Goddam golfers and their fake marine biology degrees from Rutgers.
Sounds like Eddie put in more college hours than most grads with a piece of paper. I neglected to declare a minor and still got a degree. I get it: You did good, you did some reporting, and you should mention whether Jordan himself claimed to have had a degree, or whether the idiot AD's PR flacks whipped it up.
Funeral services are still pending, though Big Ben has been assigned to perform the ceremonial sexual assault.
Violet Femmes, "Add it Up." Worst great Mother's Day song of all.