
That’s the way to do it.

Reads title: Get’s ready to get all fired up

Was Charlie’s Angels ever really for women though? I thought the whole point was that it was super male gazey. (This is a genuine question; I’m too young to have seen the show.)

Okay? Bruh, he’s making a recommendation, with some guidelines and caveats. Chill.

YouTuber’s Lifetime Fortnite Ban Opens Conversation About Fair Punishments For Cheating

To add onto d), the way these guys describe a video game punishment is absolutely ridiculous.

Man those quotes are such garbage.

Famous people shouldn’t get lesser punishments than the rest of us. Nobody wants to play against an aim-botter, whether it’s a pro on a smurf account or not. Frankly, even if he’s telling people not to do this, he’s still sending the message that it’s okay to do it. 

a) he cheated so he should get banned

It’s fair and deserved. I am glad EPIC is sticking by their decision. Cheaters in these games ruin the fun for everyone. That kid can go play APEX or whatever other game until he gets banned for cheating in that game.  Fortnite isn’t the only game out there.

I have a lore explainer on the way that will also help ease people into the world, while avoiding major spoilers.

It definitely will. I think this is his first non-controlled public appearance since becoming President, likely to avoid this exact scenario. This will play 24/7 on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Dude is gonna be pissed.

Word on the street is that she’s working on a machine that can mount an effective legal defense without requiring a lawyer. She’s going to disrupt the whole industry! First they dismiss you, then they laugh at you, then you change the world!


No maybes about it. 

I was mad as hell too but I’m glad she brought it up, did it right. Leave less room for her defense team to find a sympathtic white Judge and have her conviction thrown out on some technicality.

A white woman walked into a Black man’s apartment while he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching TV in his underwear and shot him, and I am relieved that she was actually found guilty.

I’m really reconsidering the unpleasant thoughts I sent the Judge yesterday when she included in the jury instructions basically the Stand Your Ground Law.

It helps to have a good memory

If only Judgement had a handy case files section on its phone where you had recaps of all the cases you handled, including case summarys, bios of all relevant suspects/characters/etc and even clues you found.

Oh no wait. It does :X

It did get confusing in Yakuza games, but Judgement literally has a thing to mitigate

да товарищ владимир.