Dick Nickels

This was a 12 footer. No roof rack required. Just strap thwarts to seat rails and you’re golden.

I have owned an Si hatchback and a manual Accord.  Problem is that they were both from 2003.  Times change. 

Yes, most people are clueless. I drove to the metal recycling yard in my Accord that has a badge modified to read “D’accord” (French for “okay.” Yeah, I know it’s stupid). The guy that is supposed to record the make and model of the car for the receipt wrote the model as “Dakota.” Maybe an example of not being paid

Okay, 1990, but...

Yep, I read it first as “Steel Atlantis.”

I first read the name as “Steel Atlantis,” which seems fitting.

He’s answered this before.  It was because of a hailstorm scare and he has just never removed them after that passed.  

From some angles, that taillight looks like it is made of red duct tape.

When I told the guy it had already sold, he asked if I had anything else for sale, and before the day was done he was riding away

Frickin’ Haynes manual, man! Followed Step 3 to make things “a lot easier” and ended up separating the bearing and not being able to remove the inner bearing race because the bearing puller/separator won’t fit back behind it with some of the drum brake components in the way. I was just changing the drum shoes on an

Today, there are still plenty of areas with no/slow signal where I have had to pull out the map.  Worth the space it takes up for now.

Wait, this is the Red Tow Hook trim level?  When are they going to reveal the base models?

Yeah, it was feigned outrage, but the language is a bit repugnant.  In real life, I have 7 bike children and 3 animal children (2 cats, 1 rat). 

The Peugeot Paris is said to be the kind of product you only have to buy once, like a Nalgene bottle,

It’s an ‘umbrella term for the third gender used by indigenous North American peoples,’ but hey, your Google is as good as mine.  

I thought for a second that you were spelling Brak from Space Ghost in a weird way. His mouth is quite grille-like:

Last week it was “Cowboy’s New Assless Chaps Are Going to Change the Road Trip Game.”  Now This.  Ball’s in your court, Cowboy.

I think one of the main design flaws/compromises of the PT cruiser is having to interrupt the flow of the grill with the stupid bumper. So, I’m very pleased to see how much better it looks with the bumper delete.