Dick Nickels

Yeah, I was referring more to those earlier RLs, not the RLX.  I think the current generation looks alright and the hybrid drivetrain sounds cool.

I’m one of the people that liked the styling of the pre-2009 RLs, but yeah, drivetrain options were underwhelming.

I’m guessing one was named Nicephore Niepce and the other was Claude Niepce.

Yeah, that’s a rad color for sure.

Oh, the hair! You did well.

That took a nice turn at the end.

In contrast, at the Great Lemon Lake, the tradition is to roll the car into the lake and walk home.

Girlfriend is reading American Gods and just asked me what a roadster is when she got to the “Wendt Phoenix” part.  

What’s the paint code on that?  I had a bike that color as a kid growing up and I still love it.  That looks close to, or the same, as a Jeep factory color.


I can relate. I was committed to doing the exhaust replacement myself, but of course the exhaust studs snapped off at the end of the manifold. I took the Previa to the shop and just asked if they could drill out the studs while I had it there to get new tires. I thought it wouldn’t be too bad for someone with the

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Yeah, I say that partly in jest. My buddy that lives downtown gets closed in by fun runs many, many weekends a year and goes apoplectic. “Fun nuns” on the other hand; who can argue against that?

Yeah, the brain short circuits sometimes when we mix decimals and percentages! Your point stands; the streets of smaller cities get ravaged with closures every spring and fall weekend by 5k fun run mania, and people manage okay. 

Check your math!

Thanks for sharing a little bit of flavor of Israel in some of your posts.  Probably most Jalopnik readers hear pretty limited news from other there, certainly not automotive stuff!

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Another day...another Jalopnik hatchet job.

he parking brake is between the driver’s seat and door