Bath bombs make bubble baths possible, so obviously they're awesome. They're fun for yourself and can make a great…
Bath bombs make bubble baths possible, so obviously they're awesome. They're fun for yourself and can make a great…
Alton Brown's recipe is also good, and it's pantry-friendly.
Follow the Alton Brown rule. The only single-use item allowed in the kitchen is the fire extinguisher. Every tool and every appliance must be a multi-tasker capable of serving multiple uses.
Be careful with your pills. Some low intelligence TSA agents will open a pill bottle ( is this sanitary?) and if it has multiple types of pills pull you out as a druggie. You get the option of giving them all of your pills ( one of my prescriptions costs over $5 a pill and I am supposed to take 2 a day) or not flying…
Pro tip:
Buy a dry bag. It's a waterproof bag that has a roll down top. The one I travel with is 10 inches wide by 24 inches long and made by Outdoor Research.
A few pills can help if things get particularly uncomfortable. Get a small pill case and fill it with painkillers (e.g. acetaminophen, naproxin, ibuprofin) for headaches, a sleep-inducing antihistamine (e.g. diphenhydramine) if you want to take nap without the effects of a sleeping pill, and nausea medication…
If it's a long flight, bring stomach-related pills, i.e., Pepto, antacids. There is nothing worse than getting sick from eating something on the plane.
She should go to the vet. Long-term odor can mean a health problem.
My dog eats healthier than I do.
They're not supposed to. If you care about keeping your pet healthy, you should buy better quality food for them.
Old harddrives that have been opened up.