
So Quake 2 Rail Only...

A lot of people get stuck in a job that has their wheels spinning.

I still prefer the boxier look of the MKII Celica Supra, 85 is my favorite. I would love to buy one and swap in a 7m-gte engine.

Should point the exhaust tips down in front of the rear tires. It would melt the snow and give you better grip. it would suck for the cars behind you when it re-freezes, but hey, not his problem.

Do they just run them that rich that the unburnt fuel coming out lights on fire? Or do they run a line back there to get it to light on fire? I know rubber burns, but that looks like it is helped along.

My 99 Maxima (Mad Maxima) is sitting in my garage after I rebuilt the motor and 5 speed. I bought it in 2003, paid it off in 2007, a guy ran a red light and took out the rear axle in 2010. The insurance company paid me 3300$, I bought the car back, replaced the rear end and have driven it ever since.

Now playing

I love the CBX's, but you just can't beat the sound of the original.

You can just barely, I mean barely make out the downpipe down to the mufflers. guessing it is a 'T' valve. I had to look at it closely to see the other pipe, they have it in there very tight.

I think he was crossing his arms signalling he wanted an interference penalty or something. Then he pointed to the center of the ice, saying he wanted a penalty shot. Kind of a smart move.

If I had to venture a guess. I would say that when the brakes are applied at that speed. The nose dives a bit, lifting the back end. This combined with the push of the air it disturbed coming behind it, lifts the back end a bit as well. Then the back end pulls around causing the spin. A functioning shoot deployed

The Pohlad family not spending any money on the team since we bought them a stadium isn't helping the situation either.

Wouldn't it be funny if they were shot down coming out of their spawn?

And frankly, the Two Stroke Triple burble sounds better than this 4 with a charger.

Where are the two Engineers hanging off the side repairing the little bird taking 8 Stingers to take it down?

If you buy a Boss Hoss, you are required to get this car as your daily driver. So everyone knows you are compensating for something.

People already pay for just the Harley-Davidson name by buying all their clothes. They will pay for a motorcycle without the motor.

Who is benoit? You mean Coyle getting held up as he was going for the puck for the empty net?

One is in Granite Falls, MN. Owned by Fagen Fighters, "Ruff Stuff" I believe is the name.

I believe, just like for a puck to be a goal, you have to see "daylight."