
Given that he’s in the Monsters Inc. world, where more or less all of the characters run about without pants (apart from Boo, obviously) and have no visible genitalia, I’m willing to put it down to, “When in Rome...”

It’s sort’ve the same story as when he was in the Little Mermaid world. He suddenly became a merman,

Kingdom Hearts is the dumbest shit in the world and I’m fucking here day one at midnight to get this game.

Now I know I’m getting old. All I’m thinking while reading this article is:

Will you please leave ‘Frozen’ out of this?

It’s fun to start solo but it really is so much better in a group. Even just random parties. Once I hit high rank I basically abandoned the story stuff and just started joining SOS groups.

And then shared by the public for likes.

The Revolution will be commodified and monetized.

―Vladimir Lenin

I demand this become a feature on Kotaku. Hell, roll it into Snacktaku if you want to tell us how that Glaceon tastes.

Nothing will fill that hole, friend. But stick with Politico and the like. General rule of thumb, if your friends start sharing click baity headlines on Facebook, ignore them. Lol And honestly, that goes for GMG sites, too. This place is basically a more crass extension of MSNBC. But I’ll believe a liberal slant over

Let me break it down and see if I can understand this bs....

You’d think Stephen Miller would be okay with immigration what with his forehead emigrating up his scalp like that.

Well done Nintendo. Did not expect this AT ALL.

Last Action Hero is a great movie! How dare you sir!

He said this in front of a bipartisan group of congressional leaders. Which proves not only that he’s racist, but he is a fucking moron who may be losing what little mind he once had.

Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

Ruby Rose is a popular enough original character to guest star in a fighting game. Ruby Rose was created by Rooster Teeth. Rooster Teeth is a company that makes Machinima on the internet, the most famous of which are shitty Halo fan videos. That’s not a huge relevance leap, it’s like, 2 steps away. Kevin Bacon is less

I just wish Monty was still around to see this. ;-;

Remember when Rooster Teeth was the guys who made the fucking Halo fan videos? Man, anything is possible when you work hard enough.

Wow, RWBY in a ArcSys game.