
Wish you would dashcram it

Because unless someone is imposing their beliefs on you, you should respect whatever ridiculous mind games they play to get them through the day —- including worshiping a power that you may or may not believe in. These girls are not making a statement about the Christian belief system, they are mocking the losing

The people of Charlie Hebdo definitely didn't deserve what happened, but this isn't an issue of free speech, its an issue of actions have consequences. Far too often people will talk out of line, say something or do something that reflects poorly on them, and then they try to use "free speech" as a Get Out of Trouble

This is an important discovery. That being said, science may never determine how many repetitions of the chorus of "Tootsee Roll" it takes to get to the center of madness.

James Dolan defies electrophysics by being repulsive to everybody.

I really enjoyed your article and feel that you have truly captured the essence of the experience. Not that were the same, I'm a bi male with a heavy persuasion towards men, but I sympathize with you. Even if your comfortable with yourself, coming out to new people is pretty much always associated with that

I can't believe as adults we are having a "throwing acid on people is wrong" conversation. You learnt that shit on Batman fools.

Not surprising. The Irish have been fraudulently attending bowl games for years.

Feel terrible for those kids. Hope the offending parties get the book thrown at them.

The first time I read Ready Player One I finished it in less than 24 hours - minus a nap and meal break.

Paul: Ghost! Help!

I just came in to say fuck Autotune and Cher. And wish you luck.

I would hate to deliver a pizza to a house that promised "licky dogs" to be honest. I like dogs. I have a dog. But I don't want to be licked by ANY dog, particularly ones that aren't mine, and particularly if I have to pretend to be nice about it instead of pushing the dog off me like I'd want to. Maybe you didn't

No, it doesn't. It's not just a personal decision; it's a decision that could put many, many other people at risk of illness or death. This isn't a "for your own good" thing, this is a "to keep you from inadvertently hurting others" thing. It's like, there aren't laws against people of legal age drinking alcohol, but

May this GIF live forever.

Kind of ironic that this ad campaign will be shot down because the NFL isn't happy that somebody is using their images without permission.

I believe Ripp when he says "his 'Ho' paintings are a reflection on Smartphone social media being a "new site of aggression and anxiety in the age of the 'virtual male gaze,' where the archetypal macho painter has been emasculated." But that doesn't make it better. By his own admittance he's reducing a person—Ho—into

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. The Pistons are a bit touchy about the whole 'cancer' thing, careful Albert."


Smoke enough weed, and everything tastes like cookies and weed.