
You know what bothers me most about that signing? He has been a below average LB the past few years commanding one of the worst defenses in both seasons. He has never been great outside of his vicious hits, and thats the risk that the Raiders wanted to take: have a guy with a chip on his shoulder that can no longer

Wrong, it’s Malcom X park... Every real washingtonian calls it Malcom X park.

Dickhead rekkanize Dickhead

pretty sure the Umber’s millennial children are in charge now and they thirst for leaders who are more in touch with today’s fast-paced social-media driven society.

Is complexity better than simplicity? Is nuance better than forcefulness?

But the spear through the face was all good?

“How about, instead of Kevin Durant, I give you Luke Ridnour, Dorell Wright, AND Carlos Boozer?” - Ernie Grunfeld

Snark warning

I’m baffled by this myself. My GF says its because way too many of ‘us’ aren’t doing our homework and voting solely on name recognition and who our pastor says to vote for. I don’t totally disagree.

The best rap album ever is still Illmatic and it’s not even close.

I tried to get through that but I’m still too ptsd-y (My therapist said that I don’t have PTSD but that I went through such trauma that my brain is still recovering from it) to benefit from The Gift of Fear. Everything sets off my mental alarms. Every move I make is unsafe. Cognitively, I know it isn’t, but damned if

Are you seriously truthering the Spurs? That's hilarious.

Hilarious and frightening. They (the various FOPs) keep saying things like “These officers performed their jobs professionally and conducted themselves within the law with good intent”, etc.. and I just keep thinking “Oh, so we’re just supposed to take your word for it? How’s that working out for you guys?” and also

I would be very curious to know WHY, you think you don’t have an interest in hip hop?

There’s so much willful ignorance going on in the coverage (I’m especially looking at fox here). However, I have an alternative theory on Blitzer and Rivera: Blitzer actually is that stupid. I’ve never seen him look like he has even a modicum of intelligence when he wasn’t reading off a teller prompter. He’s like Ted

God damnit just look at that asshole. Fuck.

Switch to Bulgarian feta - so good.