Dewya Bellimi

Thank you for showing some sense!!

Why do you assume the value is in the future sale of the house?

When they were calculating this, I'm pretty sure they forgot the $700/month student loan payment that people pay on top of their mortgage and car payments.

You forgot "Revolt!"

Exactly. The whole plane will get there at the same time, folks!

Also, she learned how to fall safely.

You can pay people for the mowing and shoveling.

NYC rates.

It's relatively easy to get your kid out of school for a trip if you can show it's educational. YMMV

Just start wearing the suit and tie more often at work as if it's your new style.

Don't worry. Chris Christie will find a way to fuck it up before it can open in New Jersey.

This is a good example of how loooooong it takes to develop, test, and prove scientific theories.

Shorter version: You lack empathy and might have sociopathic tendencies.

It's also not news that the CIA keeps secrets and keeps it secret that it's keeping secrets. Again. No news.

There's no real news here. Plenty of scientific reports are publicly available which say that climate change is real and a threat to civilization. Yet you whine about some documents that are hidden from your view? Grow up.

I wonder who could come up with a cheaper way to keep cool. Could it be … NASA?

It's about as exciting as mowing the lawn.

A bunch of them were murdered or died mysteriously after the assassination.

Yes, he's an idiot.