Dewya Bellimi

He's not leaking it. He gave copies of the files to the Guardian months ago.

One of Snowden's former jobs was to teach others how to encrypt their data in such a way that they couldn't reveal the information even under torture. Snowden has asserted that the data he has is encrypted in such a way now.

Has it never occurred to you that the group that is alleging that Snowden is a criminal (the US govt) is actually doing this to cover up its own crimes?

What I'm thinking of is people hosting their own email servers.

We need a different kind of email system for starters.

Spoken like a true authoritarian.

Out of curiosity, does this mean we need a different kind of email software. Such as one that runs on your own computer instead of a third party?

Exactly. The best analogy really is Martin Luther King, because his peaceful demonstrations brought into full view Southern whites' deep, ugly racism and violence against blacks at the time. In this case, it's the US government that is showing its ugly claws to protect the surveillance state—the Constitution be

Or maybe provide the US government a backdoor, which would compromise the service's whole reason for being.

It would be the same under anyone else. This kind of corruption runs deep.

FYI, here is Lavabit's features list on the Wayback Machine.

I don't want to share a pic, but I figured out a cheap way to get a bigger desk without spending a bunch of money.

Yes, people are speaking out in support of Snowden.

How about adding whistleblower protection for intelligence employees? For those who don't know, intelligence employees (like Edward Snowden) are exempt from whistleblower protection:

No, she actually quit that job for this one.

Lol. Hey, you're pretty at that PR thang. I think I know a Communications Director position will be opening soon that you'd be a great fit for.

It looks like this one from Pottery Barn

Magazine holders plus bookshelves make a great replacement for big, heavy, ugly, awkward filing cabinets. You can get a pack of 5 for $1.99 from Ikea (here:…).

I love the way the big cat casually headlocks the kitten.

The problem is that most Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.