Dewya Bellimi

OMG, you actually linked to a (free) PDF of a scientific article instead of just regurgitating a press release! I' *sniff*

We're all astronauts aboard a little spaceship called Earth.

That's the way a guy holds a woman's hand if he's about to kiss it. Definitely not a professional handshake!

I heard that was why people rub lime around the rim of Corona bottles.

Find another doctor.

Do you use the paid version of Evernote, or can you do everything you need with the free version?

Now that is handy.

#1: Buy your textbooks through Amazon in the Kindle edition and read them on the iPad with the Kindle app. The digital books are much cheaper than the paper copies and they weigh nothing.

How could you forget the housekeeper and nanny??? I'm not cleaning up his shit.

He didn't achieve Super User status for nuthin.

"All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped."

It's obvious. There is no one challenging requests to the FISA court. No one. There is no "other side." There is no one speaking up for you or your right to privacy. If they want to read every email or listen to every phone call of yours, they can do it. End of story.

There were plenty of pre-9/11 warnings about Osama bin Laden being determined to fly planes into buildings in the US and even an FBI agent who raised concerns about Saudis going to flight schools in the US long before PRISM and the Dept. of Homeland Security ever existed.

Supposedly there's a lot more information to come. It would be dumb to save the best for last, since that would only give the US more time to try to prevent its publication.

I'm sure they'd make it look like suicide or an accident.

The dying for your country comment sounded a little ominous.

They're too busy buying guns.

"They advertise like crazy every time the FBI dupes some idiot into planting a fake bomb somewhere"

Steve Jobs just rolled in his grave.

"Put The Great Gatsby, American Psycho and Gordon Gekko in a blender"