
The shame in Spain falls mainly on their domain

Tell them we applaud Sony's disdain of Adam Sandler. They're doing God's work in keeping him from making more movies.

Maybe you don't understand how this works. It is already regulated however it is currently under rules that can not be enforced. This whole making it a "Utility" thing makes it work like phone lines in that they cannot regulate the traffic based on where its going. You're electricity giving you issues? How about your

You drive on Federal Freeways/Highways, supplies is shipped to you via Railroad, The FAA oversea Airlines. So obviously you are trying to make a point, not being good about it.

I support vehicle safety. That's why I oppose so-called "Seat belts."

See how ridiculous this sounds?

I find the joke humorous but at the same time can you imagine the outrage over at Jezebel if it were reversed to make fun of women? It sure as hell isn't a two way street.

Next Greenpeace stunt: Lighting fires in the shape of their logo on top of endangered coral reefs.

I actually live in Toronto (I'm in NYC at the office now, which is how I accessed the Deals App). I will push the Northern Agenda as best I can.

I guess you have to live in the United States for this? Stupid Canada...

Gawker media needs a Canadian content blog. Yup. It makes me sad to see all the fancy things you get.

I agree here not a big fan of that line in the article either.

Not only that, but shit like this makes it far easier for climate change deniers to distract us from important discussions.

At this point they need to at least blank out what was written. The only thing worse than a semi-permenant missing rectangle at the site would be this constant bit of propoganda.

Instead I will just not buy the machine and not support a company that does that kind of shit.

"We also get confirmation that the Terrigenesis kills regular humans. HMMM."

Tripp got hit by Diviner shrapnel, thus his turning to ash. The mist did not kill him.

Your comment is wrong. I'm an actor/comedian, a small actor/comedian, one of hose who doesn't make millions a year but enough to survive. I love my job and the fact that I make enough to pay my bills is a huge accomplishment, the dream is to one day make it big enough to buy a house. You have never heard of me, I

I'd just like to let you know that we appreciate that you and many other news sources are not reporting stories using any of this data from ordinary employees (other than general statements and vague descriptions like this article).

Wrong Sony. And you should read the article since it's not about people like you having your data stolen.